Title: The Wall
Author: Peter Sis
Summary: Sis tells his story of his childhood growing up in Eastern Europe throughout communism. The tale shows the harsh realities of communism compared to the imaginative potential of democracy.
Opinion: As a history buff, I could not help but take interest in this story. On the borders of each page, photographs, journal enteries and news clippings are displayed to match the actions taking throughout the story. This lent a credibility to the story that made it seem much more than just a children's book. Growing up, Sis spoke of his communistic pride. This highlighted the successes of the propaganda scheme developed by the soviets. He carried this sentiment until he grew a little older and learned that there was much more to offer on the other side of the curtain.
The illustrations were absolutely remarkable. The cold harsh realities of communism were displayed solely in black and red, whereas the beauty of the west were shown through bright vivid illustrations with the full array of the color wheel. For this reason, it is understandable that Sis received the Caldecott award for this story.
As a future teacher, there is not one doubt in my mind that I will be using this when given the opportunity to teach contemporary history. There is so many historical talking points throughout the work, I find my leg bouncing up and down at my chair just itching for discussion. This book is a masterpiece. Plain and simple.
Just for fun... if you have a spare hour and a half... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxNM7j_ppHI
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