Title: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry
Summary: This controversial 1993 Newberry winner depicts the story of a quaint, sheltered, village that has very traditional ideals. These ideals come into debate when the main character Jonas is asked to learn the history of the village and even venture into the outside world.
Opinion: After reading The Giver (for my third time) I could not help but notice that my stomach was all twisted up. I, a person who takes a particular interest to history, cannot help but notice some similar parables to modern day history. One is the assignment of jobs, not necessarily based on ones qualifications, but rather on the societies need reminds me of several communistic societies of past. Also just the idea of a world with no history leaves many interpretation. History is learned in order to learn and repeat successes or stray away from failures. But if people of control were to hide this knowledge, one would never know how to make progress and mistakes would continue (this reminds me of the holocaust denial of Germany up until recently). The story also mirrored history with the use of Eugenics. The controversial process of Eugenics has been used in the past (Sparta) in order to create a healthier society.
The story has incredible symbolism with its black and white vs. color. This use helps create a sense of both safety and danger throughout the story. When I read this I could not help but notice the similarity to a movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan entitled The Village http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB55bv4B8LQ
For those of you who haven't seen the movie, don't. It is quite terrible. But the comparison can be made, (especially once the awful twist of the movie is revealed.)
In all, this was an incredible book and a terrific display of a good science fiction novel. I would recommend it to anyone that may be interested in a somewhat controversial, dark, and twisted tale.
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